Brian Friend

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America Reborn 24

You have the best opportunity in the world to make something of yourself here in America thru hard work and dedication, not welfare and handouts. I DO NOT support any type of progressive or socialist agenda. In my house we pray to the Lord, we proudly fly the American Flag and will not relinquish our 2nd Amendment rights!

Put God Back In School

Let's put God back in the classroom, not Transgenders and Critical Race Theory type nonsense!

Family Values

It's time to bring old time family values and discipline back to America. Children these days seem to be losing respect for everyone.

Love For Your Country

You know what they say, love it or leave it. Many folks have paid the ultimate price for our freedom and way of life.

Judgement Day 2028

Where does your loyalty lie? Are we one with God or one with the world? It is high time we decide, before it is too late!   The truth is the moral decay along with electing terrible candidates, has been destroying this country for decades, and it is time to turn back to God. Politicians along with the media have divided this country and have pitted American against American. No candidate in years has tried to unify this country. It is either one way or the other. It is no longer about being a republican or a democrat, it is about working together to bring God back into this country and I am the one who will do it! (Priority 1) If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14) 

We can no longer trust politicians to do what is right, it is up to you and me! Together we can fix this, but it all starts with God! I am taking the first step to bring God back into this country are you in? Or out? I will lay the first brick, and each of your votes, will be another brick. We will build an invincible foundation! The Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7) It is time to come out of the political world and turn our nation back in Gods direction, since 2008 we have turned away from God. Let us show God, we love him, let us do this together! He who is not with Me is against Me! (Matthew 12:30) 


Brian Friend 

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